We are experiencing issues completing credit card transactions for filers using Safari browsers. At this time, if you are an attorney or firm using Safari as your browser, please either use a different browser or pay by check. Self-represented parties should also use a browser other than Safari if possible or should file any cases or motions which require a fee on paper with the Court Clerk. Thank you for your patience.

Judicial Branch E-Services - (Electronic Services)
E-Services allows attorneys and self-represented parties to do business with the Judicial Branch electronically. For more information on what you can do electronically through E-Services, click here.

You should review the Procedures and Technical Standards for E-Services which apply to all Judicial Branch electronic services. The Procedures and Technical Standards have rules that apply to E-Services, filing by fax (facsimile), e-filing and short calendar markings. For appellate matters, please review the Procedures and Technical Standards for Appellate E-Filing .


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